A Journey Through Open Studios, Where Creativity Ignites Community and Transcends Boundaries | AmFab Studios | Open Studios | 11-12 Nov 2023
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A Journey Through Open Studios, Where Creativity Ignites Community and Transcends Boundaries | AmFab Studios | Open Studios | 11-12 Nov 2023

In this past weekend's cool crisp November air, the doors of American Fabrics Arts Building in Bridgeport, Connecticut were wide open, inviting us to partake in the magic of its creations during AmFab Studios two-day open studios event. Within the hallowed halls of the historic edifice, we found a nurturing abode to over 30 local artists for their innovative enterprises.

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Beauty is everywhere…
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Beauty is everywhere…

Beauty is everywhere…

Beauty comes from within our hearts and minds as easily as it shines off of the gloss of our lips or in the shake of our hips. It’s in the moss clinging to stone, and the rotting of a century-old tree, so beauty must be found within each layer of me.

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Is sci-fi a boys’ club?
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Is sci-fi a boys’ club?

A well-respected historian, someone I greatly admire, recently commented on a podcast about science-fiction and something along the lines of it being a boy’s club (I’m paraphrasing).

Was it?

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What does it mean to be human? Is it about having emotions? Do the relationships we form make us special? Or is humanity just a program that can be emulated?

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“I’ll be back.” - Terminator
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“I’ll be back.” - Terminator

Even before AI existed as it does today, we dreamt about it, devoured it in books and watched it on film. What have these representations told us about the potential upsides and downfalls we are experiencing today? What are we dreaming of and prophesying today that future generations will struggle to understand?

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